Sains Malaysiana 53(7)(2024): 1589-1603


Physiological and Yield Performance of Commercial Rice Varieties under Cyclic Water Stress in Malaysia

(Fisiologi dan Prestasi Hasil Varieti Padi Komersial di bawah Tekanan Air Kitaran di Malaysia)




1Laboratory of Climate- Smart Food Crop Production, Institute of Tropical Agriculture and Food Security, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia

2Department of Agriculture Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia

3Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia


Received: 5 December 2023/Accepted: 4 June 2024



The production of drought-tolerant rice varieties in Malaysia and the information regarding the response of local varieties to water stress are still lacking. Therefore, this experiment was conducted to determine the growth, physiological performance, molecular response, and yield of ten available rice varieties, namely MR 219, MR 220-CL2, MR 297, MRQ 76, Vietnam Hybrid, UKM RC2, UKM RC8, Putra 1, MR 303, and MR 307, under ten days of cyclic water stress. The experiment was arranged in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. Plant height, tiller number, photosynthesis rate, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate, chlorophyll content, biomass partitioning, genotyping of SSR markers, days of harvest, and yield component were measured. Results showed that water limitations reduced tiller number per hill, while plant height, leaf dry matter, and panicle length were enhanced. It was found that MR 297 had the shortest plant height, while MR 220-CL2 had a short maturity period, a shorter panicle length, and an enhanced filled grain percentage. Putra 1 and UKM RC8 showed a higher photosynthesis rate, stomatal conductance, and transpiration rate under water limitation at 99 days after sowing (DAS). Under well-watered conditions, the total grain weight per pot of Putra 1 and MR 307 was enhanced compared to MR 219. Meanwhile, under water limitation, the total grain weight per pot of UKM RC2, MR 220-CL2, MR 307, MR 297, and Vietnam Hybrid was comparable to MR 219 and slightly enhanced in UKM RC8, Putra 1, and MR 303. Among the tested varieties, MR 220-CL2 can be selected based on early maturity criteria for the potential development of drought-tolerant varieties.


Keywords: Drought; Oryza sativa; photosynthesis rate; stomatal conductance; yield component



Pengeluaran varieti padi tahan kemarau di Malaysia dan maklumat mengenai tindak balas varieti tempatan terhadap tekanan air masih kurang. Justeru, penyelidikan ini dijalankan untuk menentukan pertumbuhan, prestasi fisiologi, tindak balas molekul dan hasil sepuluh varieti padi yang ada, iaitu MR 219, MR 220-CL2, MR 297, MRQ 76, Vietnam Hybrid, UKM RC2, UKM RC8, Putra 1, MR 303 dan MR 307 di bawah kitaran sepuluh hari tekanan air. Uji kaji telah disusun dalam Reka Bentuk Blok Lengkap Rawak (RCBD) dengan tiga ulangan. Ketinggian tanaman, kadar fotosintesis, kekonduksian stomata, kadar transpirasi, kandungan klorofil, pembahagian biojisim, genotaip penanda SSR, hari penuaian dan komponen hasil diukur. Keputusan menunjukkan bahawa air yang terhad mengurangkan bilangan anak setiap rumpun, manakala ketinggian tanaman, berat kering daun dan panjang tangkai bertambah baik. Didapati bahawa MR 297 mempunyai ketinggian terendah manakala MR 220-CL2 mempunyai tempoh matang yang pendek, panjang tangkai yang lebih pendek dan peratusan biji berisi yang dipertingkatkan. Putra 1 dan UKM RC8 menunjukkan kadar fotosintesis, kekonduksian stomata dan kadar transpirasi adalah lebih tinggi di bawah tekanan air pada 99 hari selepas menyemai (DAS). Di bawah keadaan pengairan yang baik, jumlah berat bijirin setiap pot di dalam Putra 1 dan MR 307 telah dipertingkatkan berbanding MR 219. Sementara itu, di bawah tekanan air, jumlah berat bijirin setiap pot UKM RC2, MR 220-CL2, MR 307, MR 297 dan Vietnam Hibrid adalah setanding dengan MR 219 dan dipertingkatkan sedikit dalam UKM RC8, Putra 1 dan MR 303. Antara varieti yang diuji, MR 220-CL2 boleh dipilih berdasarkan kriteria kematangan awal untuk potensi pembangunan varieti tahan kemarau.


Kata kunci: Kadar fotosintesis; kekonduksian stomata; kemarau; komponen hasil; Oryza sativa



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